Back to Homepage of Bankstar About BankStar Technologis Limited Our Commercial , Central and Member Bank Solutions

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Welcome to the world wide website of Bankstar Technologies Limited where professionals having decades of experience in the finance and software industries have developed state of the art banking software solution.

Most Banks have existing legacy systems which, while are perfectly good for traditional banking products and services, do not have all the functionality required to compete in today's market place. Replacing these systems would be expensive and inconvenient. The Bankstar Systems plug into virtually any existing baseline system and give banks the advantage of providing contemporary products and services without changing their legacy systems.

The systems we have designed are divided into three categories :-

System for Commercial Banks :- These systems allow commercial banks to offer modern products to their customers.

Systems for Central Banks :- These systems are designed for Central Banks of Countries.

Systems for Member Banks :-These systems are designed for Member Banks which are to effect transactions with Central Bank systems.

The Systems we have for Commercial Banks are :-

Bill  |  B@AB  |  C-Cats  |   E-Bias  |  EC2  | FidsHorsy  | MesaPay  | ReconBanc| T-Con  |  Test

The Systems we have for Central Banks are:-


The Systems we have for Member Banks are:-

BankBridge  |    CapGen  | CompCrypt  |Meteor

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Products [Commercial Banks] : Bill  |  B@AB  |  C-Cats  |   E-Bias  |  EC2  | Fids |  Horsy  | Mesa |  Pay  | ReconBanc | TCon  |  Test
Products [Central Banks] : PICS |  SAPIER 
Products [Member Banks] : BankBridge  |  CompCrypt  |  CapGen  |  Meteor

The Banks Using our Internet Banking Solutions Operating System and Database Independent Systems Mail to BankStar Technologis Limited