Banks having centralized databases are offering their customers facilities wherein they can operate their accounts from any branch of a bank. Not all banks have centralized databases and those having distributed databases at their branches need to offer these facilities to compete in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Bankstar's B@AB system allows banks with distributed databases offer their customers these facilities with an implementation cost which is a fraction of banks having centralized databases.

Key Features :

Cost Effective
B@AB integrates to existing baseline systems in operation at branches making it an extremely cost effective system.

B@AB uses the TCP/IP protocol allowing a bank to choose between the Internet, Dial-Up lines, Leased Lines, VSAT's etc. for each of its branches depending on transaction volumes.

Currency Independent
B@AB can effect transactions in any currency and supports multiple exchange rates.

Flexible Authorization Automation
B@AB allows users to fine tune the automation of transaction authorization based on individual risk perceptions.

Multiple Transaction Types
A variety of services such as cash withdrawal, cash deposit, cheque deposit, statements etc are available.

System Features :

Structured Message Formats
Messages are transmitted in a structured format allowing an interface to almost any external messaging system such as SWIFT, INFINET etc.

B@AB uses server passwords, Testkeys, Symmetrical Encryption, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) based Asymmetrical Encryption and Hardware tokens making it a highly secure system.

User Defined Charges
Banks can set up absolutely any type of charge structure using Bankstar's Rule Designer.

Interface to PAY
B@AB interfaces to PAY, Bankstar's payment system allowing banks to offer instantaneous funds transfer.

Interface to BiLL
B@AB interfaces to BiLL, Bankstar's billing system allowing banks to offer electronic billing.

Interface to TEST
B@AB is interfaced to TEST, Bankstar's Testkey and file transfer system.

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