When Central Banks introduce Clearing and Settlement Systems (CASS) to automate the clearing of payment instruments, commercial banks need to have systems which can generate files for outward clearing and accept/process files for inward clearing.

    Most banks will have existing computer systems prior to this event taking place and supplementing existing systems with a module to handle this is far more advantageous than replacing existing systems.

    Some Central Banks require the exchange of only data files while others require both data and image files to be exchanged.

    CapGen is a highly parameterized system, which can be used across a wide range of CASS systems for both paper and image based clearing.

Features of CapGen

Interface to Document Processors
User Defined Payment Instruments
Branch Modules for banks having distributed databases
Interface to communicate with the Central Bank
Automatic generation of outward clearing files
Automatic Processing of inward clearing files
Automatic Send and receive feature
Interface to existing Baseline system
End-to-End regularization of paper instruments

Interface to Document Processors
CapGen interfaces to popular document processors which enables a bank to decide whether it wishes to process documents at Front Office using small inexpensive document processors or at Back Office using high speed large volume processors. These document processors will capture data from the MICR line as well as scan images of one or both sides of the document and pass this data to CapGen for processing

User Defined Payment Instruments
While almost all Central Banks process instruments such as cheques and transfer orders, each Central Bank also allow other instruments and these can change as time goes by. For example, promissory notes, settlement orders, reimbursement of credit card claims etc. are items that Central Banks allow processing of. CapGen allows users to themselves define new instruments and evolve along with Central Banks.

Branch Modules for banks having distributed databases
Not all banks have a centralized database. Banks, which have distributed databases at branches need to process instruments at branches and then send the processed data to a Nodal Office. The Nodal Office consolidates data and transfers consolidated data to and from aCentral Bank. CapGen has a Branch Module, which allows this to take place.

CapGen also has built in sorting mechanism which enables sorting, preparing and transferring files to various branches at predefined intervals.

Interface to communicate with the Central Bank
CapGen system has an easy interface to accept and send files to a Central Bank

Automatic generation of outward clearing files
Once instrument data has been entered into CapGen, it automatically creates outward clearing files in the formats defined by Central Banks

Automatic Processing of inward clearing files
On receiving inward clearing files from a Central Bank, CapGen can automatically process the instruments for parameters such as account balance, overdraft, cheque stock etc. CapGen allows users to define instruments which can be automatically processed and others that require officer intervention

Automatic Send and receive feature
CapGen has automatic send and receive feature which allows Users to send and receive files from a Central Bank at user defined intervals

Interface to existing Baseline system
CapGen has the capability to interface to various baseline systems using a batch or on-line interface. These interfaces are developed/fine tuned individually for each user.

End-to-End regularization of paper instruments
Many Central Banks now allow clearing of instruments based on electronic images. Paper instruments however, still exist and banks need to ensure that the paper item finally arrives at the correct destination regularizing the instrument which has been cleared based on an electronic image. CapGen keeps track of the complete life cycle an instrument. until it is fully regularized.

* CapGen is scheduled to be released in Q3 2003
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